6 Components: Program Impact

Program Impact is the sixth component of a nonprofit. It is the mission-driven part of the work and the WHY of the nonprofit's existence. Program impact also comes with the requirement that nonprofits measure whether what they are doing is working and whether or not they are making a difference. If you lead a nonprofit, consider the answers to these questions:

  1. What is the overall mission of the nonprofit and do all activities align with that mission? All activities should be tied to mission. Be clear about what the mission is, what you hope to achieve and make sure the day-to-day programs fit that mission.

  2. How do you know your work is making an impact? Nonprofit practitioners need both numbers AND anecdotal testimonies to show impact. What are the outcomes you hope to achieve through the various programs and services? Are you achieving those outcomes? How do you know?

  3. Nonprofits should be meeting identified needs in the community. Nonprofits are problem-solvers. We see a need; we develop a solution; we measure the extent to which we are meeting the need. If you are not solving a problem, lessening the burden or increasing opportunity, then you may need to re-evaluate why you exist.

Program impact is critical. Put the effort into defining outcomes and measuring the extent those outcomes are being met.


Core Values: How are you doing?


6 Components: Strategic Planning