Social Media Tips for Nonprofits

Are you a stalker? Are you a bystander? Do you watch videos and listen to podcasts covertly without ever letting anyone know? Today I challenge you to consider four responses when you watch and listen to content that teaches or inspires you...

  1. Like it. hit the like, applause, insightful or other meaningful response button. This helps grow the organic reach of the post and it lets the content-giver know someone was impacted by their content.

  2. Comment on it. Say a couple of words on what you felt, saw or learned. Let bystanders know this post or video is worth the investment of time.

  3. Share it. Growth organically happens when the watchers share with their network. If you've been inspired, moved or challenged by the content of a post or video, share it with your network.

  4. Use it. Don't let the warm fuzzies or lightbulbs dim without doing something with the information. If you learned something think about how you apply it. If you were encouraged think about how you could encourage another.




Forming a Nonprofit