Step 3: Tweaking the Proposal

Continuing our series on grant writing, Step 3 is Tweaking the Proposal. In the world of proposal writing we never spray and pray, meaning we never send the same proposal out to a bunch of funders. Every funder gets their own unique ask. Tips for tweaking include:

πŸ’² Tell them what they want to know but nothing extra. Know what this funder is passionate about and focus only on those attributes of your work.

πŸ’² It's about them not you. Let me say that's not about you. This funder has specific areas of interest. Tell them how you can help THEM. Do not focus on what they can do for YOU.

πŸ’² Give them the attachments they want and nothing else. Do not include cute pictures, videos or brochures. Give them all of the documents they request but nothing extra.

πŸ’² Adhere to all formatting requirements and submission preferences. Submit it how they want it and when they want it. Do not be late. Do not ask for an exception to their preferred or required submission process.

You can set yourself apart from others competing for funds just by following some simple guidance on giving the funder what they want. Want more information? Click HERE to check out Grant Writing Basics.


Step 4: Grant Writing


Step 2: Developing the Skeleton, Part II