Grant Writing Wrap-Up

As we wrap up our mini-series on proposal development and grants, here's the bottom line:

  1. Seek grants if and when it makes sense for your program or project.

  2. Do your research. Make sure you find the right funder who cares about your cause, funds in your geography and in the amount that makes sense for your budget.

  3. Prepare a strong proposal. Be persuasive, be thorough and be truthful. Tell your story well both in the narrative and in the budget.

Need help? Get it. There are plenty of consultants, contract grant writers and professionals that can write for you or come alongside to help prepare a great proposal. Want to learn how to write grant proposals? We at Community Development Professionals, LLC offers on-demand training HERE!


Quantifying labor and in-kind donations


Resources: Cash + Volunteers + In-kind Contributions