Resources: Cash + Volunteers + In-kind Contributions

Hear ye! Hear ye! Hey nonprofit grant-writer! Resources are more than cash. Resources include PEOPLE (volunteers) and IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS (stuff and services). In proposal development you want to include the entirety of resources, i.e., what cash you plan to receive, what volunteer labor is part of the program and what in-kind contributions are part of the project. Quantifying your resources is a critical part of a strong budget.

  • Independent Sector offers a calculation of an adult volunteer hour ( Use this hourly figure x number of volunteer hours to quantify the value of volunteers to your program or project

  • In-kind donations of goods can be quantified by fair market value. Salvation Army and Goodwill Industries International both offer a list of values for donated items. USDA offers a value for donated food. Do your research and be able to substantiate the fair market value of in-kind contributions and include this value in your budget.


Grant Writing Wrap-Up


Budgets: Start With Getting the Right Person on your Team.