Resource Development: Initial Engagement to Full Engagement

Are you familiar with the engagement to investment continuum? This concept recognizes the truism that until people are engaged they won't invest.

All organizations -- whether nonprofit or for-profit -- need to have identified ways to get in front of new audiences to introduce your business to them. This is INITIAL ENGAGEMENT. Outline two approaches you can use to be introduced to new people, new potential clients or customers, or new donors. How can you get in front of new prospects?

Secondly, find a way to fully engage new prospects so that they know WHO you are and WHAT you do. This can happen via video, one-on-one conversations, written materials or even a website. Think of the best way or ways for people to learn more about who you are and what you do until they are FULLY ENGAGED.

Let's focus efforts on identifying how we prospect and how we inform as we seek to strengthen our resource development in 2023.


Resource Development: Grants? Maybe...


Resource Development - Let's go!