What's your work style?

What is YOUR work style? Do you like to vision what could be? Do you like to imagine what is possible or try something that hasn't been done before? If so, you may be a VISIONARY. Do you prefer to make the dream come to life? Perhaps you love to take a vision and make it happen. Do you love to take moving parts and build a system or project that works? If so, you may be a MACRO-BUILDER. Perhaps you really love the detail. Do you like to set up processes, protocols and policies to follow? Do you like to take a project and fill in the detail? If so, you may be a MICRO-BUILDER. Perhaps you prefer to take a ready-made package of ideas, processes and protocols and make it happen. If so, you may be an IMPLEMENTER. Or maybe you like the routine of the tried and true and to perfect your link in the proverbial chain. If so, you may be a MAINTAINER.

Whether you are a visionary, a macro-builder, micro-builder, implementer or maintainer, you are needed. All work styles are required to make the organization, the community or the project move forward. Know your work style and make sure you surround yourself or staff your organization with complementary work styles to be well-rounded and effective.


Bring your vision to life in 2023.


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