Resource Development: Mastering the Ask

Mastering the Ask in 2023. Asking people for money can be an overwhelming challenge for many nonprofit professionals just as asking for a sale can be challenging for many business professionals. But sales and donations are a critical part of any resource development strategy so let's move beyond the fear of the ask. Nonprofits, consider this:

  1. Get your strategy in order and know what question you plan to ask. Practice the phrasing...Can I count on your support in the amount of $xx? Would you invest $XX today to further our mission in 2023? I'm asking for your support in the amount of $xx. Pick a phrase and make that your go-to.

  2. Be specific in the amount you ask for. No check boxes or options at play here. This specificity requires some homework from you to know how much you need, what amounts are penciled in for your donor prospects and what an appropriate ask is for this particular prospect. If the prospect wants to give more or less they will. Your job is to ask for a specific amount.

  3. Practice the pause. Ask the question and give them 10 seconds (or more) to answer. Don't break the silence because you are uncomfortable. Let them think, process your request and respond.

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Let's get organized and get funded in 2023.


Resource Development: Donor development


Resource Development: Grants? Maybe...