News & Updates



2025 |


Hamilton, Ohio. (February 2025)

NEW! Beginning March 1st, 2025, CDP’s Associate Membership is now NO-COST for nonprofits. That's right! Nonprofits can now get a CDP Associate Membership - FREE! (a $2,200+ value.) 

  • Get all of the benefits listed below, PLUS: We've add a new
    feature! The Intro to Membership Live Webinar. CDPeople can:

    • Learn how to use the Membership site,

    • Take an Assessment using our Organization Evaluation Tool,

    • Form a Nonprofit Development Strategy,

    • Then implement the new strategy!

  • Unlimited Access to Staff Videos/Teaching

  • First to know: Special Offers, Trainings & more!

  • FAQ’s specifically for nonprofits.

  • Weekly Newsletter GrantStation Insider.

  • Unlimited access to ALL trainings! — Membership includes access to over 30 trainings for you and your organization!

  • A Facebook Group: CDPeople Community — a space for our Members to ask questions of peers or CDP staff, share insights, videos, images and files & network with other nonprofits.

  • Discounted membership to GrantStation - CDP Members get a 1-year, deeply reduced membership to GrantStation for only $139/year ($699) value. Updated GrantStation features include:

    • An expanded database: 12,000 funder profiles.

    • Targeted funder alerts: Members receive notifications for new funders and updates to saved profiles.

    • Improved search functionality: Advanced filters, including by application deadlines. Expanded tutorials and resources: We’ve added more guides on building a grants program and writing successful proposals.

    • And more coming soon!




2024 |

Hamilton's 1st Black Business Expo
June 8, 2024 | 1-5 PM
At Booker T. Washington Community Center

Hamilton, Ohio. (June 2024) Calling all Black Businesses in Hamilton, OHIO. This event is for current black-owned businesses in Hamilton to come and showcase what their business has to offer as well as an opportunity to offer resources for business owners or people interested in starting a business, including:

  • Starting a business

  • Business plans

  • Marketing

  • Insurance

  • Legal assistance

  • Networking

  • Financial planning

  • Access to capital/funding

  • Printing

  • Bookkeeping

  • Payroll

  • Business plan development

  • Budgeting

  • Credit card processing

  • Logo design

  • Social media

  • Banking

Uzima Rejuvenation Station, Booker T Washington Community Center and Community Development Professionals and other sponsors have come together to host this wonderful opportunity for small black businesses to sell, community members to shop and future businesses to get resources.

CDP Offers NEW Training: Financial Statements 101

Hamilton, Ohio. (February 2024) — One of the common missing skills among governing board members is understanding how to read financials well enough to make good, quality decisions. Let's face it -- some people are naturally numbers people. They understand the world of accounting and the ebb and flow of how money comes in and goes out. There is a whole language unique to the accounting world and sometimes we lay people get lost even understanding the verbiage. If you find yourself a bit squeamish about accounting and financial reports, consider this:

✔ If you manage your own budget and household expenses, you can understand the basics of nonprofit accounting.

✔ You don't have to be an expert; you just need to have a solid enough understanding to see the picture and ask the questions.

✔ Make friends with an accountant. Every nonprofit needs an accountant as a professional partner. They are the expert and it's okay to lean into and rely on their expertise.

Financial Statements 101 is a primer for those new to the nonprofit board arena or those who have been around and glazing over during the financial portion of the meeting. Now is the time to demystify bookkeeping and financial statements and arm yourself for the task of strong governance. $69 and one hour of your time is all it takes to get started. CLICK HERE to take a look at this crucial training now.



2023 |

Community Development Professionals Offers Expanded Associate Membership for Nonprofits 

Hamilton, Ohio. (March 2023) — NEW! We've expanded our Associate Membership to include ALL - that's right - ALL of our trainings for the entirety of your Membership. No more monthly trainings. As an Associate Member you'll have access to all CDP Trainings, all the time!

What does this mean?

Our Associate Membership is still only $40/month OR $350 annually but now includes:

  • Unlimited access to over 30 trainings (a $2,000+ value) for you and your organization!

  • Trainings such as Branding Your Nonprofit, Handling the Media, Board Basics, Exploring Public Funding, Strategic Planning 101, Grant Writing Basics and so much more!

  • A discounted membership to GrantStation ($95)

  • A Facebook Group:

  • CDPeople Community — a space for our Members to ask questions of peers or CDP staff, share insights, videos, images and files & network with other nonprofits.

  • Unlimited passes to organizational development webinars 

  • & More!


Community Development Professionals (CDP) was founded in 2003 with a passion for communities. Our mission is educate, support, develop and connect communities to thrive. CDP works within communities across the United States in four main areas: nonprofits, affordable housing & homelessness, social entrepreneurship and community partners. 

To learn more about CDP, visit:


CDP to host Chaplain Training Course with IFOC again in 2023

Hamilton, Ohio. (August 2023) — The International Fellowship of Chaplains is a nonprofit that gives back by training chaplains. Chaplains come alongside during times of crisis -- crisis in individual lives where they serve at hospitals, funeral homes, emergency shelters, and recovery centers. But also during times of large-scale disasters that impact whole regions-- tornadoes, hurricanes, famines, toxic spills. Chaplains listen, serve, nurture and support through times of trial. Community Development Professionals, LLC is partnering with IFOC in September to offer training to anyone interested in learning how to respond well to individuals or communities in crisis.


Hamilton, Ohio. (June 2023) — Once again, CDP & The Hamilton Joes have teamed for the KZONE! The Hamilton Joes are a wooden bat collegiate baseball summer league with home games played at Foundation Field in Hamilton, OH. A 'K' marking the strikeout will be put in the KZONE for every strike out by a Hamilton Joes pitcher. If 11 or more strikeouts are reached in a single game, $500 will be awarded to the nonprofit of the game. These nonprofits are all $500 closer to living out their mission!

Community Development Professionals Offers AFLAC as a Benefit fo Expanded Associate Membership  

Hamilton, Ohio. (May 2023) — NEW! We are celebrating! CDP has recently joined with Aflac to be able to provide a group rate for CDPeople! Learn more about that benefit HERE!

Through this partnership, we are able to offer CDP Members a low to no cost way for Nonprofits to provide supplemental health insurance to the team - anyone from volunteers to staff to board members can take advantage of this offer.

We value CDPeople and we are always looking for creative ways to bring additional benefits to our members and partners.

If you're not yet a CDP Member, take a look around the Membership Site. For as low as $40/mo or $350/year you get access to all CDP Trainings and more benefits, just like this partnership with Aflac! Our goal is to help you thrive so that your community thrives!



2022 |

Community Development Professionals Releases New Package Options for Nonprofits 

Hamilton, Ohio. (August 2022) — NEW! In order to help Nonprofits realize their full potential we have created new Training Packages to meet specific needs at price points for every organization!

Packages include:

    • Resource Development: offers one full year of access to key topics related to getting the organization funded. From donor development to grant writing to fundraising events to Mastering the Ask, this package of ten unique sessions will equip the nonprofit leadership team with practical information to bring resources into the organization$500.

    • Board Governance: offers one full year of access to key topics related to developing a strong board of directors. In eight sessions participants will learn key elements of nonprofit organizational development and how to govern effectively. Includes learning the roles and responsibilities of boards, how to evaluate the performance of the organization, executive leadership and the board, running effective meetings and the key elements of strategic planning$500.

    • Forming & Starting a Nonprofit: is the perfect package for those ready to launch a new 501(c)3. Including three months of access to three sessions covering the key components of nonprofits and the 5-step process to forming a new organization. In addition participants gain one hour of coaching with a nonprofit coach to make sure the organization launches well–$199.

    • Employee & Volunteer Relations: offers one full year of access to key topics on recruiting and managing staff well.  Whether staff are unpaid or paid, this 7-session package provides practical ways to ensure the organizational culture that attracts and retains staff.   This package includes sessions about recruitment and management, cultural competency, motivating beyond the paycheck, managing personalities, navigating workplace politics and compassion fatigue$299.

    • Leadership: is the perfect package for those in executive leadership or striving to become leaders of their organization. This six-session package offers one full year of access to key topics that include basic principles of leadership, strategic planning, creating a culture of planning, branding, handling the media and compassion fatigue$299.

    • Donor Development: offers one full year of access to key topics related to getting the organization funded through donor development. In four sessions participants will be introduced to developing a donor strategy, understanding the charity ladder, telling the story and mastering the ask. This package will equip the leadership team with practical information to bring donor resources into the nonprofit$199.

    • Image Management: one full year of access to key topics related to controlling how others view the organization. Image Management package includes four unique sessions on topics that include understanding how image fits into the organizational structure of a nonprofit, branding, handling the media and telling the story$199.

    • Capacity Building: helps organizations build their capacity with a targeted approach. Organizations will take an assessment, develop a nonprofit development strategy and receive access to trainings to help strengthen the organization in identified areas of weakness.   This tailored package helps equip and train an organization to get organized, get funded and move toward long-term sustainability.$1000.

Community Development Professionals (CDP) was founded in 2003 with a passion for communities. Our mission is educate, support, develop and connect communities to thrive. CDP works within communities across the United States in four main areas: nonprofits, affordable housing & homelessness, social entrepreneurship and community partners. 

To learn more about CDP, visit:


CDP to host Chaplain Training Course with IFOC

Hamilton, Ohio. (August 2022) - There are many ways to serve communities. You can provide jobs as a business owner. You can serve those needing assistance with food, clothing, and shelter. You can provide recreational and quality-of-life programs and services that help people fulfill passion and renew and refresh. You can volunteer at community events or participate in local government. Everyone can and should do something to contribute to the community in which they live, work and prosper.

International Fellowship of Chaplains is a nonprofit that gives back by training chaplains. Chaplains come alongside during times of crisis -- crisis in individual lives where they serve at hospitals, funeral homes, emergency shelters, and recovery centers. But also during times of large-scale disasters that impact whole regions-- tornadoes, hurricanes, famines, toxic spills. Chaplains listen, serve, nurture and support through times of trial. Community Development Professionals, LLC is partnering with IFOC from October 31-November 4th to offer training to anyone interested in learning how to respond well to individuals or communities in crisis.

CDP & The Hamilton Joes

Hamilton, Ohio. (June 2022) —CDP & The Hamilton Joes have teamed up this year for the KZONE! The Hamilton Joes are a wooden bat collegiate baseball summer league with home games played at Foundation Field in Hamilton, OH. A 'K' marking the strikeout will be put in the KZONE for every strike out by a Hamilton Joes pitcher. If 11 or more strikeouts are reached in a single game, $500 will be awarded to the nonprofit of the game. These nonprofits are all $500 closer to living out their mission!



2021 |

Community Development Professionals Releases New Site Exclusively for Members 

Hamilton, Ohio. (January 2021) — NEW! Community Development Professionals (CDP) recently launched a new platform for members. CDP has long offered Memberships to nonprofits from emerging, to new or established nonprofit organizations. Their goal is to help nonprofits Get Organized and Get Funded through proven training, strategic coaching, effective services and innovative tools and products. The Member Site is just one of the many benefits of being a CDP member.

The new Member Site offers members added amenities like a members-only forum and access to free trainings for the lifetime of the membership, without raising the price of membership. Additionally, CDP has added a monthly subscription option for members with no commitment — meaning potential members can try the site for $30/month and cancel at any time.

During this time of the Zoom meetings and at home working, CDP sees the new site as an effective tool in order to network with other nonprofits. Members — called CDPeople — now have a way to lock arms with like-minded individuals who are making a difference in their neighborhoods, cities and communities. 

The Membership Site platform features:

    • Three (3) on-demand trainings for the lifetime of their membership:


      • As well as one (1) bonus training per month

    • CDPeople Community Forum — a space for our Members to ask questions of peers or CDP staff, share insights, videos, images and files - network with other nonprofits.

    • The opportunity to be featured as “Member of the Month”

    • An FAQ section specifically geared towards nonprofits

CDP offers two levels of membership, Associate & Executive with plenty of options and amenities at each level. To find out more about CDP Membership visit

Community Development Professionals (CDP) was founded in 2003 with a passion for communities. Our mission is educate, support, develop and connect communities to thrive. CDP works within communities across the United States in four main areas: nonprofits, affordable housing & homelessness, social entrepreneurship and community partners. 

To learn more about CDP, visit:


The Hamilton Joes are on FIRE!

Hamilton, Ohio. (June 2021) — While CDP works with nonprofits, small business and local government across the US, we celebrate opportunities to plug into our local community. One of the ways we honor nonprofits in our local community is by participating with the Hamilton Joes to sponsor a Nonprofit of the Game.

Hamilton Joes is a wooden bat collegiate baseball summer team with home games played at Foundation Field in Hamilton, Ohio. A 'K' marking the strikeout is put in the K Zone for every strike out by a Hamilton Joes pitcher. If 11 or more strikeouts are reached in a single game, $500 will be awarded to the nonprofit of the game. Local nonprofits are invited to apply to be one of the nonprofits featured during home games with a chance to receive the $500 grant courtesy of Community Development Professionals!