I love my work.

I love being able to support and encourage nonprofit and community leaders in the field doing the work. I'm inspired by people who spend their energy, time and talents to serve. As I reflect on this week of trainings, sessions and meetings, I'm humbled by the service of so many others. There are people in government who strive for a better community. They work tirelessly to solve complex community problems, often behind the scenes in thankless roles. I see you and I am grateful for you.

There are those serving in community initiatives that look for ways to bring a better life to those around them. They are tackling difficult issues with limited resources to make a difference for you and me. So many serving the community do so under the radar without acknowledgement or thanks. I see you and I'm grateful for you.

There are those in nonprofits who embrace the phrase 'each one reach one.' They strive to see people who others too often brush aside. It is often unpopular work and met with resistance from those who prefer to throw people into labels and toss them aside. I see you and I'm grateful for you.

To those who serve, thank you. I see you and I'm grateful for you.

-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP

Mindy Muller

EDUCATE. SUPPORT. DEVELOP. CONNECT. CDP helps communities thrive. Through innovative and strategic partnerships with nonprofits, local government, educational institutions and community-based businesses, CDP works through community stakeholders to make communities places where everyone can thrive. Through our team of professionals we have helped thousands of organizations build their capacity to better serve their communities by providing innovative solutions to unique community development challenges.

Specialties include nonprofit capacity building; affordable housing solutions; community development strategies; and, social enterprise and entrepreneurship


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