We all need encouragement, inspiration even motivation from time to time. “From Mindy” is a space to find just that. With rare insight, Mindy Muller, CFRE and President/CEO of CDP, gives a fresh perspective of our unique Nonprofit/Social Entrepreneur World.
Humanize the human: #stopthethey
I think I've figured out what's wrong with us. We're polarized with the elephant and the donkey. People I love, respect and admire live at both ends of the political spectrum.
Exploitation and Social Media: It's more common than you think...
We are in an age of selfies and immediate sharing of everything…
Image Development: Redefining it in 2016
As I weave my way through this journey of life one of the more difficult lessons I’ve encountered is seeing the truth about people. I have met some pretty amazing people along the way.
I Care About Them All
My heart is heavy. If I'm honest, it's heavy much of the time, perhaps TOO much of the time. I listen to the news, read articles, and …
I Don't Want to Belong
I have joined "clubs" that give me a sense of belonging. I have also joined clubs where quite frankly I don't want to belong…