Grants. Social investment that can help you do good.

Grants are a fantastic way to seed a new project, expand a program or deepen the impact of mission work. Whether you are a nonprofit or local government, grants are worth exploring to see if these social investments can increase your impact. Some things to consider:

  1. Get organized. Get funded. Get your house in order. Make sure you have strong policies and procedures. Ensure your fiscal controls are intact. Author a strategy for acquiring resources and reporting on their use. If you don't have a plan and systems in place to receive and report on grants, start there.

  2. Grants are restricted funds. All grants have strings attached. Know the conditions by which you will receive these dollars and make sure you have the ability to meet those conditions.

  3. Grants are generally one-time awards. Not 100% of the time, but most of the time, grants are a one-shot deal. Make sure you have a solid plan for how the work will continue after grants funds are expended.

  4. Write well. Hire the grant writer or build the capacity for your team to develop a winning proposal. The grant proposal is the door to funding so make sure you develop a proposal that accurately and persuasively reflects who you are what you can do.

Are you ready to explore grant funding? Contact us.


Grant Research Part II


Difficult Personalities #1