Looking Forward to 2021

As we bid adieu to 2020, there is no better time for a nonprofit professional than the start of a new year to reassess your personal map: vision, mission, core values and your next stretch of road. What will 2021 hold in store for you? The big question of vision is where are you headed? What does success in 2021 look like for you? 2021 would prove to be successful if what was true?

Mission really speaks to the lane you're in. What path are you taking to reach your vision in 2021? One of the hardest challenges for driven people is staying in the lane. Define it, include what it will and will not entail, and don't veer from it. Stay in your lane in 2021...now there is a resolution worth keeping!

Remember your core values. What fruit defines your life? What character traits are non-negotiables for you? Take this time to reflect, revisit and redefine your core values. Core values are absolutes and become part of the fabric of who you are. Remember them and live your life by them.

Finally, what does the next stretch of road look like for you? What goals do you have for 2021? What are measurable benchmarks for achievement in 2021? Take some time to reflect on what you would like to achieve in 2021. Be thoughtful, be detailed, be specific. And remember...CDP is here to help you bring that vision to life.

We wish you much peace, joy and contentment as we collectively say farewell to 2020 and look toward a healthy and impactful 2021.

With gratitude,

-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP

Mindy Muller

EDUCATE. SUPPORT. DEVELOP. CONNECT. CDP helps communities thrive. Through innovative and strategic partnerships with nonprofits, local government, educational institutions and community-based businesses, CDP works through community stakeholders to make communities places where everyone can thrive. Through our team of professionals we have helped thousands of organizations build their capacity to better serve their communities by providing innovative solutions to unique community development challenges.

Specialties include nonprofit capacity building; affordable housing solutions; community development strategies; and, social enterprise and entrepreneurship


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