This week is the time we hear the most about #thankfulness. I see posts of daily lists of gratitude and overt offerings of thankfulness. This is all good. But might we consider thankfulness more than just this time of year? Let's consider that thankfulness is a mindset. Learning to be grateful is a shift in thinking.
I'm not thankful for my properly inflated tires until one of them goes flat. I'm not thankful for my health until I am sick. Living with #thankfulness involves being intentionally grateful for the little things, the big things, all things. Living with #thankfulness requires being mindful of blessings. I'm working on this in my own life, striving to live in the moment and appreciate the good around me -- yes, family, friends, job, and roof over my head. But also the smile from a stranger, the convenience of indoor plumbing and the beautiful sunrise. What might you be thankful for each day?
-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP