I love the passion of people wanting to start a new nonprofit. I have conversations nearly daily with individuals seeking to make a difference in their communities through the start of a new organization. Most conversations start with 'how do I form a nonprofit?' I usually direct the conversations to some WHAT and WHY questions before we get to the HOW. Consider this:
1. WHAT do you propose to do? Usually there is a laundry list of unmet needs or gaps in service and a solution for meeting those needs. No one can do everything so I encourage persons to identify the main thing. Honing in on one thing is challenging for most social entrepreneurs, but it's a critical first step. Until the mission and the lane have been defined, it is premature to talk about the form the business will take (i.e., LLC, 501c3, etc.)
2. WHY are you the one to do it? It is critical that entrepreneurs identify the gifts, skills, passions and unique attributes they bring to this new venture. Passion is important but it's not enough. Strengths need to be outlined and it needs to be clear how those strengths ready the start of a new nonprofit.
3. WHO else is serving in this way? Most nonprofit founders don't really know who else serves in the space. If you are starting a food pantry, it is important to know who else provides groceries, who serves hot meals, etc. This step requires homework, research and a clear picture of who does what in the community.
There are more questions that need to be asked and answered, but these are a good start. If you know someone who is looking to venture into doing good through business, we're here to help navigate those waters.
-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP
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