Many are looking for the 'secret' to a successful life. I'm not sure there's a secret but I think there are three key attributes that contribute to a fulfilled life: Integrity, Industriousness and Generosity.
✔️ Integrity. Be the person you want others to see you as. Don't fake it. Don't pretend, be. Integrity means wholeness of self. Integrity is resisting the temptation to represent yourself as something you're not. Integrity is not being a chameleon -- it's being steady, authentic and true. Whether it's your grandmother, neighbor, colleague, romantic interest or client, the character of who you are is the same wherever you go. That's integrity.
✔️ Industriousness. Be useful, helpful, productive. Find how you can contribute and do it. Industrious is the opposite of lazy or time-wasting. Know what needs to be done and do it. Do it thoroughly and do it well. Look for ways today to be industrious. Stretch your time. Be intentional and make the most of today.
✔️ Generosity. Be radically generous. Give beyond the bare minimum. Give more than you gave last week. Sacrifice something to give more. Study generosity. Read about Maimonides. Give time, talent and treasure without expecting anything in return. Generosity will change you and the world around you.
We are all striving for a life that matters. Some call it happiness. Some call it purpose. A life well-lived may shape up differently for all of us, but integrity, industriousness and generosity can shape your world in ways you never thought possible. Live well, my friends.
-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP