Selling tickets is not enough.

Dear Nonprofit Leader:

Please know, selling tickets is not enough.

The planning for spring fundraising galas, banquets and formals is upon us. Many nonprofits plan meticulously for their events. They consider what to charge, where to be lavish and where to cut costs. Committees meet for hours to plan every detail of the event from invitations to social media campaigns to speakers and, of course, the exquisite meal. Nonprofits are exceptional at getting spaces, items and services donated (think auction baskets). But all of this effort is often undercut by the habit of relying solely on the sales of tickets to raise the funds. It's time to break the habit. Tickets can cover expenses, but your fundraising happens in the ask. Stop thinking selling tickets is enough.

It isn't.

There are two types of givers that attend fundraising events: (1) the emotive, reactive, in-the-moment giver and (2) and the long-time investor/donor. Your event gives you opportunity to attract both, so don't miss it.

To get a donation from Giver Type 1:

✔️ Be compelling. Be persuasive. Tell the stories of #impact hitting both the head AND the heart. This is your time to highlight the good you do and give a reason to give.
✔️Do the ask. Be specific. Tell those in the room what you need and what you need them to give. If you need to raise $100K tonight, say that. If you need everyone to contribute $500 tonight, ask for it. They knew they were coming to a fundraiser so do the fundraising.
✔️Make it easy to give -- cash, check, card, QR code, on-line link. Make it fast and easy to donate in the moment.

To get a donation from Giver Type 2:

✔️Know who is in the room. Know the name and contact info for every person in every seat.
✔️ Keep in touch with everyone in the room. Get them on a mailing list. Ask them to follow you on social media. Have a way to communicate with those who attend your fundraiser.
✔️ Follow up post-event. They know about you now, so now is the time to get with them one-on-one. Answer questions and engage them as long-time investors, not just in-the-moment givers.

A fundraising event is the perfect time to put your best foot forward. You look good. You fed them well and perhaps entertained them a bit. Don't miss the opportunity to maximize revenue and bring partners alongside to support you in your critical work.

-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP

#fundraising #donors #development #events #resourcedevelopment #partners

Mindy Muller

EDUCATE. SUPPORT. DEVELOP. CONNECT. CDP helps communities thrive. Through innovative and strategic partnerships with nonprofits, local government, educational institutions and community-based businesses, CDP works through community stakeholders to make communities places where everyone can thrive. Through our team of professionals we have helped thousands of organizations build their capacity to better serve their communities by providing innovative solutions to unique community development challenges.

Specialties include nonprofit capacity building; affordable housing solutions; community development strategies; and, social enterprise and entrepreneurship



The power of humanity.