Where can you use support?
Hey nonprofit leader! Where can use support? Are there areas of responsibility where you struggle? Are there holes in your knowledge base you wish could be filled?
One of the dynamics we hear about in our work is imposter syndrome. Many leaders feel ill-equipped and underprepared for the role they are in. Some are pretending to know when they don't: the fake-it-til-you-make-it approach. Others just feel like they are in over their head and fear failure.
Know this: If you are in a position of influence, authority, or leadership in a nonprofit, you are there for a reason. It's time to learn what you need to know. When it comes down to it, it's a simple formula.
#Assess. #Plan. #Implement.
π Assess. Assess what you know about nonprofit business. For the remainder of January, we are offering a FREE assessment to nonprofit leaders. You can take that here: t.ly/fIa6C. No obligation, just a free assessment to see what you know.
π Plan. Outline a strategy to grow in areas where you lack knowledge or experience or are less-rooted. Everything you NEED to know you can learn so make a plan on what you need to know and how to get the knowledge you need.
π Implement. Make #2025 the year you learn what you need to learn. Make the plan, establish a timeline and hold yourself accountable for making it happen.
CDP is here to help you. Take the quiz (t.ly/fIa6C) and then let's have a conversation about how to get you where you want to go.
-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP
#nonprofits #leaders #organization #organized #getstarted #order
#501c3 #nonprofitorganizationaldevelopment #entrepreneurs #socialentrepreneurs