Hey entrepreneur! Gather the right team. Stay teachable.

Hey entrepreneur! Are you starting a new business or new nonprofit? Are you looking to embark on a new adventure in entrepreneurship? Two keys to success as you move forward:

  1. Gather the right team. We aren't served by filling a team with "yes" people or mini-me's. Find people who have skills, talents, experience, education and knowledge that you don't have. Build a team with different personalities and gifts and skills that complement each other. A strong team will move you further and faster down the entrepreneurial path than you can move on your own.

  2. Stay teachable. No one knows it all but all of us can learn. Don't have a chip on your shoulder or be so busy trying to show people your capabilities that you miss opportunities to glean knowledge from others. We all have things to share and we all have things we haven't learned yet. If you've never built a business why would you know how to do that? If you haven't walked down this path before learn from others who have traversed it. Stay teachable.


Advocacy. Do it well and responsibly.


Resource Development: Networking