2024 NSBW
Small business is the heartbeat of our communities. They employ people, invest in community nonprofits and provide needed services to our neighborhoods. Celebrate small business this week! Here are some ideas:
1. Buy small. Visit a locally-owned retailer or restaurant. Buy a present or eat a meal and use cash.
2. Share small. Like and share a post from a locally-owned small business on your social media.
3. Encourage small. Send a note, email or text to a small business owner. Thank them for investing in your community. Entrepreneurship is tough business and encouragement goes a long way.
Be intentional and mindful this week about small businesses serving your community and celebrate them during National Small Business Week.
-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP
#NationalSmallBusinessWeek #socent #socialenterprise #business #nsbw