I once was called a disruptor by a dear colleague (Aaron Ferkinhoff). I had never been called that before but have come to appreciate the term. The first definition of the the term is "a person or thing that interrupts an event, activity, or process by causing a disturbance or problem." Um -- I'm not sure I really want that definition hanging on me. The second definition is "a person, company or form of technology that causes radical change in an existing industry or market by means of innovation." Ah. Ok -- I'll own that one.
Innovation. New strategies and fresh perspectives reflect CDP's core value of entrepreneurship. Collective problem solving and tackling the hard issues that challenge communities is what lights my fire. But it must be done in ways that make sense -- we shouldn't disrupt for the sake of disrupting, but disrupt to do better, do more good, make more impact.
I was recently introduced to a really cool foundation called Peg's Foundation. What a remarkable woman and legacy. Her foundation is built around disrupting the status quo while leaning into evidence-based practices. Remarkable and worth mirroring. Who are the #disruptors in your circle? How can you become a disruptor, bringing radical change to your industry, organization or community to expand the good you can do?
-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP
#musingsfromtravel #Pegsfoundation #communitydevelopmentprofessionals