Is it easier?
It's easier to stay silent. When misrepresentations abound, it's easier to stay silent than correct them. When people are pontificating on their rightness, it is easier to stay silent, than point out the flaws in their logic. When people dismiss or diminish the experience of the oppressed or the voice of the unheard, it is easier to stay silent.
We have too long kept silent about things that matter.
We have too long erred on the side of keeping the peace rather than standing in the gap for those who need our voice.
We have too often cared more about being liked than being righteous.
It is easier to go with the flow, nod in agreement and stay in the shadows. It is easier to lean into the familiar and the comfortable. It's easier to keep silent, but we were built for more. Where do you find yourself hesitant to speak? I challenge all of us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger but there are times when it is necessary and right to speak and stay silent no more.
-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP
#silence #speak #righteousness #communitydevelopmentprofessionals #speakup #james119