1-2-3, 1-2-3....
Today is 123123. It's a cool date and a once-in-a-century occurrence. As we wrap up this year and embark on the next, let's use the simplicity represented in the numbers of the day to remember some basics:
1. Smile. Find habits and activities that bring you joy. Intentionally use your smile to lift the spirit of others as well as your own. Get in the habit of smiling many times each day. Make smile the default greeting as you walk through your day.
2. Breathe. Work into your daily routine times of quiet. Be intentional in breathing in and out slowly. Breath is a gift. Stop and reflect on your breathing and soak in moments of peace each day.
3. Forgive. Forgive yourself for shortcomings and wrongs done. Seek forgiveness from others where you've caused harm. Forgive others for harm done to you. Do not allow a seed of bitterness to be rooted. Forgiveness frees your soul.
Happy New Year's Eve friends. Smile, breathe and forgive. As the Jackson5 reminds us, it's as easy as 1-2-3.
-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP
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