Is this your year?
If 2024 is the year you finally start your new business, we are here to help! Whether it's a 501c3 nonprofit, new social enterprise, new LLC or new sole proprietorship, we can help you get the paperwork done and start bringing some order to the vision. Now is the time. To get started on your entrepreneurial journey:
1️⃣ Gather your team. Who is the leadership? Who will be advisors, helpers, and cheerleaders and who will be responsible to accomplish the work? Be clear about the leadership structure and write it down.
2️⃣ Pick a name. You will live with the name for a long while so be thoughtful and selective about the name you choose.
3️⃣ Write your mission. What lane are you in? What do you want to do? What do you want to change or accomplish? What's the purpose of this new venture?
4️⃣ Outline your have-to's and want-to's. What does the new business have to do? What are your mandates, directives, non-negotiables? Write everything you have to have in this business and everything you require the business to include. Then make a list of want-to's. Write your wish-list for your new venture. Make sure all anticipated, planned and desired business activities, core values, and organizational culture are either on the have-to's or want-to's list.
5️⃣ Contact us. Once you've done the first four steps we will help finalize the process of developing, thinking through and getting the paperwork done.
2024 is here and it's going to be the best year yet. Stop procrastinating and let's get that new business up and going!
-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP
#entrepreneurship #newventure #nonprofits #smallbusiness #Askaboutournewyearspecial