Dr. Tony Evans.

This man has impacted my life spiritually as much as any other teacher. I listen, read and ponder his teachings on the Word. I reference his study Bible often. I have studied his research and conclusions on Kingdom Race Theology and his many works and writings on community development. As I admire him so, always from a distance, these particular traits stand out to me:

✔Hearty. There is no fluff or shallow teaching with Tony Evans. You get meat and substance. I know that my brain will be engaged and I will learn something new when I read something he's written or listen to a teaching or podcast.

✔Intentional. Each word is carefully selected and each thought has been carefully examined. He doesn't speak off-the-cuff or wing it. He doesn't lean into trends but is thoughtful about teaching what is relevant. Each subject explored and each scripture examined is inspired and timely.

✔ Eloquent. Tony Evans is a fantastic orator. He engages his listener or reader with story and uses familiar and appropriate analogies (even if they are sometimes football-related....). He makes you think and laugh and every sermon, fireside chat or teaching moment is engaging and interesting.

✔ Applicable. Dr. Evans has a gift of taking complex information and making it apply to everyone in everyday life. Scholars can respect his doctrine and his knowledge while Bible novices can also feel at home under his teaching. Tony Evans has an ability to take the Word of God and apply it directly into the moments of life. He challenges Christians to walk out their faith with a kingdom mindset.

I am grateful for fantastic and gifted teachers and I am thankful, this day for Tony Evans. While he will never know my name, I know his and I am grateful that he shares his gifts, experience and wisdom with us.

-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP

#sermons #Biblestudy #training #everydaydevotions
#selfdevelopment #learning #growing #OakCliff #OAK #TheUrbanAlternative

Mindy Muller

EDUCATE. SUPPORT. DEVELOP. CONNECT. CDP helps communities thrive. Through innovative and strategic partnerships with nonprofits, local government, educational institutions and community-based businesses, CDP works through community stakeholders to make communities places where everyone can thrive. Through our team of professionals we have helped thousands of organizations build their capacity to better serve their communities by providing innovative solutions to unique community development challenges.

Specialties include nonprofit capacity building; affordable housing solutions; community development strategies; and, social enterprise and entrepreneurship


Live small.


Barbra Streisand.