Barbra Streisand.

She may seem a strange person for me to admire. Admittedly I have conflicted feelings about her. We would not see eye-to-eye on many of life's big questions. We don't have the same worldview and our daily striving is not toward the same overall outcome. For all the ways I may take issue with her, today I am leaning into those things that I find interesting and inspirational about her:

✔ Determination. She sets goals and achieves them. She is driven and resolute and has set the bar high for what can be creatively accomplished in a lifetime.

✔ Entrepreneurial. She thrives out of the box, a true creative entrepreneur. She is not a typical Hollywood starlet and she has not taken a typical path to stardom. Barbra creates differently. She is not tethered or limited by the familiar or its-never-been-done-that-way thinking. She has forged a unique path and her career is unmatched.

✔ Integrated brilliance. Barbra does not shy away from marrying the creative with method and logic. She is one smart cookie. She is not afraid to ask questions, challenge the status quo and bring intellect to the table. As strong as her creative side is, she finds innovative ways to merge it with the analytical.

✔ Ubertalented. Her vocal talent is unmatched in my opinion. The little girl in me sang many hours of Barbra songs into my hairbrush. I admire her unique talent and artistry and I am a better musician because of her.

There are so many people that I observe from afar and find attributes to admire and take note of. Barbra Streisand will never know my name, but her work has been observed and my life is richer for her having shared her gifts, talents and style with the world. Who do you admire from afar?

-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP

#admiration #attributes #stars #creatives #talent #Fridaymusings

Mindy Muller

EDUCATE. SUPPORT. DEVELOP. CONNECT. CDP helps communities thrive. Through innovative and strategic partnerships with nonprofits, local government, educational institutions and community-based businesses, CDP works through community stakeholders to make communities places where everyone can thrive. Through our team of professionals we have helped thousands of organizations build their capacity to better serve their communities by providing innovative solutions to unique community development challenges.

Specialties include nonprofit capacity building; affordable housing solutions; community development strategies; and, social enterprise and entrepreneurship

Dr. Tony Evans.


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