Starting a 501c3 nonprofit?
Consider your responses to these key questions before moving forward:
What need do I want to see met?
Who else is already doing this work?
Why is a new nonprofit necessary/important?
Why am I the right person to undertake this? What passion, skills, experience and aptitude do I bring to a new organization?
What do I hope to gain from establishing the nonprofit (employment, income, feeling of accomplishment, fulfillment of dream)?
Share your vision and your responses to these questions with three people who know you well and will give you honest feedback. If all three give you the green light, then move forward. If one or more people do not, seriously consider the reasons for their reluctance before undertaking the new venture.
We love to help social entrepreneurs get started on the right path but most of the time a new nonprofit is not the best path forward. Do your homework. Spend some time on these key questions and if you are ready to proceed, we are here to help.
-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP
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