Strategic Framework
One of the favorite parts of coaching nonprofits is developing the strategic framework. The framework is the foundational document that keeps an organization focused and drives it forward. The five key components of a strategic framework are:
#Vision: What is the big picture of where you are headed or who you are becoming? What is the aspiration of the organization? I envision a community that...
#Mission: This is the lane YOU work in that leads to vision. What are you doing to accomplish the work? What activities or programs are you engaged in? Our mission is to...
#Core Values: These encapsulate WHO you are. What are the non-negotiable hashtag#attributes that describe who you are and what you are committed to? We want to be known as an organization that....
#Policy statements: These are the beliefs that drive the organization. Policy statements are the rules, the guidelines, and the standards that create the culture of an organization. Our organization will... -or- This organization is committed to...
#Strategic Priorities: Strategic priorities are tied to the work. What is the organization committed to do over the next 3 - 5 years? Strategic priorities are the key hashtag#areas that will get the attention and resources of the nonprofit. Over the next five years we want to accomplish....
As you look to strengthen your organization and plan for the future, build out your hashtag#strategic framework and follow it. It's the key to long-term sustainability. Need help? Call us.
-Mindy Muller, CFRE, President/CEO of CDP
#nonprofits #strategicframework #strategicplanning#foundation #buildwell hashtag