We all need encouragement, inspiration even motivation from time to time. “From Mindy” is a space to find just that. With rare insight, Mindy Muller, CFRE and President/CEO of CDP, gives a fresh perspective of our unique Nonprofit/Social Entrepreneur World.
Critical Soft Skills for Entrepreneurs
Critical soft skills entrepreneurs need to be successful:
Workplace bullies.
They aren't really that much different than school yard bullies -- they've just grown up a bit. Here's how to spot one:
7 Soft Skills
Many professionals offer a list of key or priority soft skills. I have my own list of seven soft skills everyone should develop and seven additional essential soft skills for entrepreneurs.
Do you see?
In the busyness of life it is very easy to fail to see people. We focus on tasks, the to-do lists for the day, the meeting…
Fiscal Controls Checkup.
(1) If someone wanted to embezzle money, could they? (Not WOULD, but COULD.)
(2) If an egregious accounting/bookkeeping error was made, would anyone catch it?
Food for Thought…
Strive to live a life of honor. Honor isn't something we talk much about anymore. I think most people would agree that being honorable, is well, honorable…
Every Second Counts
@castingcrowns is one of my favorite bands. I like their style and genre of music, but more than that, I appreciate their lyrics, thoughts about life, and…
Unexpected lessons.
Some of our most important lessons are learned in unexpected places. As we tour potential colleges this week for one of our kiddos,
You can do this.
Nonprofit work is arguably one of the most difficult jobs. It can challenge even the most seasoned professional. There's an added layer of challenge for those who start a new nonprofit.
Annual VS. Perennial.
Annuals are often beautiful from the start. They are green, sometimes already blooming when I plant them in my flower bed.
Get Organized. Get Funded.
It's been our mantra for nonprofits from day 1. Building a solid and sustainable organization is a marathon, not a sprint. Build your organization on solid footing
I love my work.
I love being able to support and encourage nonprofit and community leaders in the field doing the work. I'm inspired by people who spend their energy, time and talents to serve. As I reflect on this week …
Creating the filter.
Nonprofit leaders should spend time creating the filter through which you run organizational changes. If it's NOT already congruent with your strategic plan,
How do I know if my purpose is being called forward?
Great question posed to us on social media today…
Dig below the surface.
I love nonprofits, community leaders and social entrepreneurs. Charitable organizations and the people who run them are, for the most part, salt of the earth.
Everyone lives somewhere.
…”helping communities thrive” through creative housing initiatives…
Are Credentials Meaningful?
More specifically, are credentials noted by a series of letters after your name meaningful?
Stay the Course
Stay the course. Our country is full of chaos and craziness in ways many of us have never seen or experienced. Stay the course.