We all need encouragement, inspiration even motivation from time to time. “From Mindy” is a space to find just that. With rare insight, Mindy Muller, CFRE and President/CEO of CDP, gives a fresh perspective of our unique Nonprofit/Social Entrepreneur World.
What makes a healthy community?
Let's start with the questions of where do you live and why do you choose to live there? For most people it comes down to AAA: affordability, amenities, and academics -- albeit not always in equal proportions.
Business is all about relationships.
Business is all about relationships. It's not (only) a cliche, it's true. One of the best ways to have your business or organization marketed to prospects and new clients/customers/donors is through others. Other people talking about how great you are is far more persuasive
Why the my?
It's not yours. I read many memos and emails from heads of organizations and have numerous conversations with nonprofit leaders and practitioners.
Feeling overworked, exhausted and spent?
How do you move past the feeling of being overwhelmed and burned out? Consider this:
Both. And.
I had an invigorating conversation recently with a brilliant, seasoned community development activist.
Today is the day.
Two immediate and impactful strides you can make for your business: (1) Become a networker and (2) get over the fear of public speaking…
Communities where everyone can thrive.
Communities where everyone can thrive. Everyone means all people. Everyone is not just those who are well-off or made great decisions or planned their life path and followed it perfectly. Everyone INCLUDES…
Plugging IN to our community.
While CDP works with nonprofits, small businesses and local government across the US, we celebrate opportunities to plug into our local community. One of the ways we honor nonprofits in our local community is by participating with the Hamilton Joes
Social entrepreneurs are unique innovators.
Often they are movers and shakers trying to solve complex social challenges through business structures. So....they/we don't fit neatly in the box.
Take the LEAP with us.
I live in a world of acronyms -- admittedly, some are better than others. But I am leaning into this newest one -- LEAP. So what does it mean?
"Build a life you don't need a vacation from."
I love that quote. It doesn't mean a break now and then isn't nice, but I really love my day-to-day life...do you? Here's a check-up to consider:
Success = talent + discipline + perseverance...
...sprinkled with a bit of luck, divine intervention, and/or external opportunity.
Understanding the Charity Ladder
Understanding the Charity Ladder is an insightful and thought-provoking concept and also a training that we offer at CDP.
Let's get real about stewardship and sustainability.
CDP's tag-line for nonprofits is "Get organized. Get funded." Be sustainable. We encourage nonprofits to work toward the long-term viability of their nonprofits. Resource development is a marathon, not a sprint.
Partnerships are Key.
Partnerships are a two-way street and we need to be actively looking for ways to connect to be helped and help others.
Character counts most.
According to Nonprofit Quarterly the average nonprofit executive director stays six years. For new nonprofits? It's less than two years.
Connection does not equal relationship.
Relationship results from cultivating connection. Connection gets you in the door but it doesn't give you carte blanche access. For example,
See people.
See people. See the helpers (as Mr Rogers said). See those who are working in the trenches, in the background and without fanfare. A few people…
Image Management
Are we consistent with who we present ourselves to be at work? At home? In our social circles? On line? Or do we find that we are fractured in how we present ourselves? Are we one way at one place and a different version of ourselves somewhere else?