We all need encouragement, inspiration even motivation from time to time. “From Mindy” is a space to find just that. With rare insight, Mindy Muller, CFRE and President/CEO of CDP, gives a fresh perspective of our unique Nonprofit/Social Entrepreneur World.
Looking Forward to 2021
As we bid adieu to 2020, there is no better time for a nonprofit professional than the start of a new year to reassess your personal map: vision, mission, core values and your next stretch of road. What will 2021 hold in store for you?
Experience is Valuable
Experience is valuable. YOUR experience does not have to fit neatly into a preplanned box.
Keep pushing.
2020 has tested us in ways few other years have. The demands on nonprofits have escalated. The resources have diminished. Nonprofits are often asked to do more with less, but our ability to stretch a dollar and our tenacity to push forward have been stretched in ways that have caused even the most seasoned practitioners to stumble.
Growth Strategies
What are the top three best growth strategies, mantras, or protocols you've utilized for your career development? Mine are....
What can we learn from “The Great British Baking Show”?
Is excellence in the U.S. ever an end in and of itself or is the bottom-line-dollars-and-cents always a required metric? I'm struck by the Great British Baking Show…
How’s your organizational culture?
As you prepare and plan for 2020 don’t forget to incorporate charity and giving back into your organizational culture.
#invest #engage
People will not #invest in your business or your nonprofit work until they are #engaged.
Community Development Pieces
One of the most amazing parts of our work in community development is watching the pieces fit together. From grassroots nonprofits …
Extreme Makeover - Nonprofit Edition
Can I tell you just how amazed I am by persons who work in the charitable sector?
Family vacation… a lesson in business?
Family vacation is a lesson in business. Here are three things I'm reminded of this week....
So much negativity.
As I strive to create an impactful and intentional life, I want to surround myself with messaging and influences that feed my soul and spirit.
Where’s the line?
Where's the line? How much should we toot our own horn? In this world of social media I wonder…