We all need encouragement, inspiration even motivation from time to time. “From Mindy” is a space to find just that. With rare insight, Mindy Muller, CFRE and President/CEO of CDP, gives a fresh perspective of our unique Nonprofit/Social Entrepreneur World.
I'm doing something different this year.
Something I've never done before. Some might call it a mini-sabbatical or a retreat or just a getaway.
Are you an Anonymous Champion?
It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit. OR There is no limit to what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit. Two versions. Same thought.
I Made It.
Raise your hands if you've 'made it?" Anyone? What is the sign that you've 'made it?' How would you know?
The Six Pillars of Character
From MLK's famous speech: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Yes. Amen.
Return the call. Answer the email.
I am a doer by nature. I move fast and furious with a get 'er done mentality. I love to pack my day with critical tasks and cross them off when completed.
Supersize it.
The bigger, the better. Higher numbers = higher impact. When we are looking at the capacity of an organization we often ask -- TOO often ask -- how big is your budget?
We have been talking internally...
Our motivation, vision, mission, values and policy statements require us to think differently than a traditional model where the litmus test is profitability.
What is your metric?
What if you asked others what your one thing is? What are the responses likely to be? Might be an interesting exercise to try.
You can lead a horse…
I've started this post several times but it seems to always fall flat. So here's hoping this one goes all the way to the "post" tab.
Image Management Truth Index:
The extent to which the perception you create by controlling how others view you (through public relations and marketing) matches up to the reality of who you are. The goal is an index of 1...how do you measure up?
You should never be just a number…
…not at DMV/BMV, not at the doctor's office, and certainly not at your place of employment. You are valuable. You deserve to be seen for the person of value you are. Period. No exceptions.
Shifting sand…
Working in the field of community development is challenging. Most days I take that challenge on and enjoy it. Today I'm overwhelmed with stories of turmoil both domestically and abroad.
I stepped into a land mine.
I stepped into a land mine. It was unintentional. Unanticipated. Unexpected. The best of intentions can lead to unintended consequences.
Called to serve.
It is not to be entered into lightly. We should count the cost. We should start the journey with eyes wide open.
She yells "focus" every time a batter comes up to the plate. We swap smiles every time we hear her -- smiles at the genuineness of her love for the game
Change fatigue is real.
Change fatigue isn't limited to the personal or work environment, I see it evident in the way society and culture are changing so rapidly.