We all need encouragement, inspiration even motivation from time to time. “From Mindy” is a space to find just that. With rare insight, Mindy Muller, CFRE and President/CEO of CDP, gives a fresh perspective of our unique Nonprofit/Social Entrepreneur World.
The professional #oops
Did you ever have one of those professional moments when you want a do-over? I likely have several if I think about it hard enough but there is one imparticular that makes me cringe every time I think about it.
We don't know what we don't know.
We don't know what we don't know. This seems a simple statement but the older I get the more profound it seems.
I'm not great adjusting to time differences.
I'm not great adjusting to time differences. I'm on the west coast this week with a colleague exploring AMAZING housing models. But honestly by 5pm local time I'm ready to call it a day.
Is this familiar?
Is this familiar? Do something. Post it. Make it look fantastic and big and important. Get your friends…
Six Components of Nonprofit Organization Development
We love Nonprofits! When we begin working with any Nonprofit, we begin talking about the. We are very strong proponent for every Nonprofit having, knowing and owning their mission. This is most certainly our top priority here at CDP.
Blue Christmas
People often struggle in silence through difficult circumstances, disappointments, and loss. This time of year can be especially difficult for many people. "Silent Night" can become the mantra during the holiday season for covering our hurts, our pain…
One of my mantras.
One of my mantras is "If it's not in writing it doesn't exist; if it is in writing we have to do it." I am a big fan of putting things in writing;
Character wins over “get 'er done”.
Character wins over 'get 'er done'. As a 'doer' personality, efficiency rules. I love completing tasks quickly. It is what lights my fire. Mostly that drive serves me well in business and I'm able to move quickly to get things done for our clients and on our various projects. But character cannot be compromised
Sound bites, catch phrases and quips… Oh my.
Sometimes I describe people as 'talking in sound bites'. We all likely have catch phrases we use but if we fill our speech with quip-y expressions or buzz terms, we're likely coming across as plastic or sales-y.
Consulting & Coaching
Consultants and coaches have one of the best jobs. They get to speak into the lives of people doing amazing work. Often consultants and coaches have been there…
Core values matter.
So how are you measuring up to your core values or guiding principles? Consider this:
Thank you, Creatives.
There are so many creative minds in the field of community development. There are people who take risks, champion new ideas and provide opportunities for communities to thrive in ways they could only imagine.
You have influence.
How do you use YOUR platform? You have influence. Perhaps there aren't a million people who follow you but there are some. There are people who watch, listen and emulate you. So how do you use your platform? Consider this:
Creative Housing Solutions
We need more out-of-the-box thinkers in the housing space.
Tried and true has its appeal. I get it. "We've done it this way and it worked. So let's keep doing it." Honestly, sometimes that's right.
Grant Writing Basics -TERMS
In this blog post, we’ll share some basic terms about Grants. It is really important to understand the context by which Grants can help you build and sustain a healthy Nonprofit.
Meetings, meetings and more meetings......
How do you balance the DOING with the TALKING ABOUT DOING? I attend many, many meetings (as I'm sure many of us do) that are intended to strategize, talk about the problem, and then, with the end in mind, develop workable solutions. But when …
FOMO -- fear of missing out.
FOMO -- fear of missing out. It's become a thing -- a familiar term these days.