We all need encouragement, inspiration even motivation from time to time. “From Mindy” is a space to find just that. With rare insight, Mindy Muller, CFRE and President/CEO of CDP, gives a fresh perspective of our unique Nonprofit/Social Entrepreneur World.
A great start…
This week is being spent at Christian Community Development Association (CCDA)'s annual conference in Cincinnati.
Starting a 501c3 nonprofit?
Thinking of starting a 501c3 nonprofit? Consider your responses…
Professional Diplomacy
I've been searching for the right term to describe what I see as a combination of common sense, maturity, savvyness, wisdom and respect.
Rethinking Donor Development
Asking for money is one of the most dreaded tasks for a governing board. Many nonprofit boards are…
One step at a time…
We live in a fast-paced world. We expect quick results and quick answers.
Are you looking for employment?
In today’s strained economy, there is an astounding average of twenty applicants for every job (Update 2023: On average, 118 candidates apply for each new job that is advertised, according to Forbes.)
What's in a year?
A year is a common measurement for our experience. Perhaps you've been at this five years or…
How do you see yourself?
Two things that seem to be universally true (at least most of the time). We root for…
Where can we agree?
I listened to an interesting #podcast this morning where the host quoted an environmentalist
The SBDC & Social Entrepreneurs
I spent some time today in conversation with a wounded combat veteran.
Need a Vacation? You’re Not Alone.
The following statement is probably a no-brainer for most of us out there: Americans are woefully vacation-deprived.
Find the good.
Our family (well, part of us) attended a Cardinals versus Cubs game last night. We are on a quest
Are All Your Eggs in the Federal Funding Basket?
While working for a relatively small nonprofit that was facing cuts in federal funding, I lamented
Trust your gut.
Personalities and the people-y stuff are among the greatest challenges we face in our work, right?
We have likely all left positions on our career path. The experience of getting one job and sticking with it