We all need encouragement, inspiration even motivation from time to time. “From Mindy” is a space to find just that. With rare insight, Mindy Muller, CFRE and President/CEO of CDP, gives a fresh perspective of our unique Nonprofit/Social Entrepreneur World.


Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Happy Monday!

I see Mondays as a fresh start -- a series of five days to make an impact, get things done and move forward toward my outlaid goals. I know many people dread Mondays. I see posts about Monday blues…

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Beware of envisaged success.

Beware of envisaged success. Many people have great intentions. There are nonprofit professionals who take on great challenges. There are social entrepreneurs who envision doing great things to make a difference.

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Resources don't fall from the sky.

Yes, you can be doing the right thing for the right reason. Yes, you may be called to do the mission-driven work. Yes, you may have a divine appointment to accomplish good BUT resources require you to do your part.

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Who’s at our table?

We should encourage different perspectives at our table. We should intentionally invite people …

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Dear Nonprofit: Are you in the fight for survival?

… more often than not, nonprofits close because the funds dry up or the passion fades or the founders just get tired. Nonprofits are critical to the health of a community and we need a strong, vibrant and sustainable sector to meet the difficult challenges of our communities.

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Are we connecting or soliciting sales?

Oh fellow LinkedIn'ers, can we have a chat about using LinkedIn to solicit sales? I have a business and I'm as interested as the next person in growing that business. BUT I think some of us have fallen into some bad habits …

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Summit of Summits

I love social entrepreneurs. They are my people. Social entrepreneurs are visionaries with the crazy notion that they might be able to use creative energy, grit and tenacity to solve a problem.

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Snake in the grass. Wolves among sheep.

These are descriptive phrases of unscrupulous predators who live and work among us but are often hard to see. We imagine unscrupulous types exist in corporate or political settings where the rich and powerful reign, but it's unnerving…

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

How’s your juggling?

How do you juggle all the balls you have in the air? How do you decide how many is reasonable to juggle at once? When do you know you've added one too many....when they start falling?

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

What makes a healthy community?

Let's start with the questions of where do you live and why do you choose to live there? For most people it comes down to AAA: affordability, amenities, and academics -- albeit not always in equal proportions.

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Business is all about relationships.

Business is all about relationships. It's not (only) a cliche, it's true. One of the best ways to have your business or organization marketed to prospects and new clients/customers/donors is through others. Other people talking about how great you are is far more persuasive

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Why the my?

It's not yours. I read many memos and emails from heads of organizations and have numerous conversations with nonprofit leaders and practitioners.

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Both. And.

I had an invigorating conversation recently with a brilliant, seasoned community development activist.

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Today is the day.

Two immediate and impactful strides you can make for your business: (1) Become a networker and (2) get over the fear of public speaking…

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Communities where everyone can thrive.

Communities where everyone can thrive. Everyone means all people. Everyone is not just those who are well-off or made great decisions or planned their life path and followed it perfectly. Everyone INCLUDES…

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Mindy Muller Mindy Muller

Plugging IN to our community.

While CDP works with nonprofits, small businesses and local government across the US, we celebrate opportunities to plug into our local community. One of the ways we honor nonprofits in our local community is by participating with the Hamilton Joes

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Community Development Professionals Community Development Professionals

Take the LEAP with us.

I live in a world of acronyms -- admittedly, some are better than others. But I am leaning into this newest one -- LEAP. So what does it mean?

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