We all need encouragement, inspiration even motivation from time to time. “From Mindy” is a space to find just that. With rare insight, Mindy Muller, CFRE and President/CEO of CDP, gives a fresh perspective of our unique Nonprofit/Social Entrepreneur World.
Love is a decision.
My favorite definition? Love is a choice to do good for another person regardless of what we feel.
Critical Skills in Fundraising
Here are some critical skills to get under your belt when going out to raise funds for your organization.
Are you a truth seeker?
What does it take for you to change your mind about key issues? Many of us are set in our ways. We believe …
Spring Cleaning
No time like the present to bring some springleaning to your nonprofit or small business.
An Exciting Venture.
Starting a new #business is an exciting venture. Sometimes people start one to have a side hustle. Sometimes a new business is a dream
Keep Striving, Friend
I had lunch with an old friend yesterday. He is on many boards and lends his talents to so many public efforts,
Most philanthropists want to know that nonprofits will be good stewards of their funds. It can be tricky for…
When is the right time to retire?
When is the right time to retire? What metric do you use to determine that? Age? Financial security? Family dynamics? Tiredness? I find the idea of retirement a really interesting concept.
Community Leadership
One of the staples many local communities enjoy is a leadership program through the local chamber of commerce.
Entrepreneurship has so many #benefits. Starting a #new business is one of the greatest ways to #work your #passion.
Start. Strengthen. Grow.
Social entrepreneurs are generally in one or more of these phases of business. #Start means getting the idea off the ground.
How does the saying go? "Speak softly…
How does the saying go? "Speak softly...and carry a big stick; you will go far." This is an African proverb…
So Many Hats
I heard Maria Shriver say years ago that she received this advice from her grandma..."You can do it all; you just can't do it all at once." I love that.
I think we need a term for #meetingfatigue.
I think we need a term for #meetingfatigue. Whether it is hours on Zoom or in-person, meeting fatigue is real.
#Questions from those in authority are not bad. So many people take offense when asked for more details or more data.
I find the world of social media platforms, digital marketing and the like difficult to like. As soon as you figure out something it changes…